This is blogger free bootstrap theme, template is free for download and anyone can use it for commercial or non commercial projects. Template package include working photo Gallery section realised in jQuery.
Blogger free theme Free Bootstrap template
This is free html5 Template which is free for download, anyone can use it without any back link
Pure Portfolio free theme Free Bootstrap template
Personal Free Bootstrap template
Black Style free theme Free Bootstrap template


You could consider free themes same as free templates. This page shows you all the different free themes that our website has created for our users. Some of them are bootstrap or wordpress themes. We provide these templates in order to show our users the high quality of the design, source code and the whole template package, so that they are aware of it before purchasing one. Moreover, these templates could be used for educational purposes and new or professional web developers could learn different things from our templates. Also, if someone wants to use it for creation of your own website, please feel free to use them! We are always happy to see our templates used by the people from different countries all over the world. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our support team and they will be more then happy to help you!