If you are Artist or Painter or Photographer, You can create online portfolio by our free bootstrap responsive template. This template or theme is absolutely free for download and can be used by anyone for commercial or non-commercial projects.
Painter Portfolio Free Bootstrap template
This is our newest bootstrap theme which is absolutely free for download, do not need any registration or FB likes :), anyone can download it within 2 seconds. You can use this free bootstrap theme for any your project: commercial or non-commercial.
Solid - Free theme Free Bootstrap template
This is blogger free bootstrap theme, template is free for download and anyone can use it for commercial or non commercial projects. Template package include working photo Gallery section realised in jQuery.
Blogger free theme Free Bootstrap template
This free html bootstrap template is for photographers or people who wants to share their photos or gallery online. Template is free for download and anyone can use it for their projects.
Photography Free Bootstrap template
Medical theme Free Bootstrap template
Personal Free Bootstrap template
Black Style free theme Free Bootstrap template


What is Bootstrap? It is free and open-source web framework used for designing web applications or web designs. It includes HTML and CSS based design templates used for forms, navigations, buttons and other components of website. All of our bootstrap themes are responsive, which means that they can be fitted on every device as it changes the design according to it. Our free bootstrap themes show the high quality of the templates that we provide and could be used for various purposes like: making your own website, education or for checking the quality of the template package and its content before buying one. If you have any concerns or questions regarding the templates, please contact our support team and they will be more than happy to assist you!